Saturday, May 18, 2013

Workshop with Dr Susan Hayes
Last Saturday week I attended a workshop at N.S.W Potteries supply on 3D laboratory in forensic antatomy. The workshop dealt with reconstructing the muscles, subcutaneous tissue, eyes and skin on a skull using clay. Dr Susan Hayes is a renowned and experienced expert in the world of forensic science and anthropology. She teaches workshops in both reconstruction through drawing and clay.
The work shop was well attended we all worked on half a skull. The class was full on a lot of work to cover in one day.
Here are some pics of the day

 This is the head I did with my partner . my side is on the right I don't think we did bad.
All the heads  not bad but they don't all look alike and they were all the same skull.

We used paper clay dark for the muscles white for the skin and subcutaneous tissue and thin sleds of white for the skin.

Mudcolony is asking us all if we have any favourite pots. I learnt years ago not to get attached because when did they were doomed to death. Either dropping it, kids breaking it or something melts on it in the kiln. So no favourites.  So why don't you hop over to and see what everybody else is doing also see what their favourite piece is

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Journeys an Exhibition by Rosalie Duligal , Fionia Grace Mcdonald  and Rhonda Morris
While everyone was away at Clay Push [ half  their luck] I was involved with an exhibition with 2 other artists at a little gallery at Woolloomooloo called Studio W doubleyou.
The works included paintings, ceramics, photography  and sewing. Lovely opening night plus we also had an afternoon tea on the Saturday.
Here are some pictures of the work and gallery.

 Rosalie Duligal's work

 Fiona's Work

                                                             Above my pots
                                               Below view of the first floor my pots on the plinths

                                                       View of the upstairs floor

 Studio W was a lovely little gallery lots of space. No commission. But very little passing trade but as I say it was an exhibition not a sale had a great time would do it again.
Thats all from me this week so hop over to  and see what everyone else is up.
PS Happy Mothers day to all the mums old and new out there.